Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Upraised Fists of the Great Mothers of Pearl

 by Shaun Lawton 

     The meaning of a fist was different back then.  In those ancient and long gone days, to curl one's fingers locked in by curled back thumbs and to hold this fist up in the air was intended to symbolize maintaining peace throughout all sovereign nations, in that the fingers curled back inward was an indication of a defensive posture, in other words a deliberate invocation of peaceful intent. Holding this symbolic human glyph up into the pure blinding blue of the sky was only meant to exalt pacifism forever. 

    The great mountain range lay spread out across the eastern horizon before us like a looming shadow wall, ever guarding us from whatever lurking horrors lay on the other side.  The feeling of comfort derived from this line of thought was limited, considering the predators skulking about on their random nocturnal courses that we were already accustomed to.  Nevermind what lay in wait on the other side of those mountains. What concerns us at the moment are the turbulent forces still flowing throughout the endemic mountain system itself.  

     A coruscating platform where a conflagration of opposing elemental forces are captured in mid collision, headlong flung on their flight into the unknown.  At night when we rested and fell asleep only to slip into a dreamscape based on the mountain surrounding us, yet limned with an elaborate tracing of spectral shades of blue light phasing into aqua tinged luminosities shot with ultraviolet amid deep dark yawning pits of blackness, following a contortionist pattern of twisted roots from a tree trunk sunken amid a patch of buried turquoise and azurite malachite. 

     The stone of the  mountain itself seemed wrought with an intermeshed series of flowing entanglements as of undersea weeds and trellises swept in a churning undercurrent. The patterns in the stone late at night when just enough moonlight shone down to paint the shadows into strange cursive shapes suddenly took on the appearance of other organic aspects of the animal kingdom.  The mountain easily transforms before the eye of the beholder on a night when the moon's only half bright into a smooth, moving landscape calling out from its hidden pockets of darkness in half formed whispers for anyone listening to follow along.   

      That's exactly how we were summoned to fall into place on the path winding into the forest and up the mountain itself, we responded to a silent calling felt within our bones and the very soul of the mountain which we all shared in common.  It even appeared that we could each hear a whispering coming out of the wind.  We tilted our heads and exchanged a look that captured everything unsaid. 

      The paranormal forces at work that were famed throughout these foothills described a course of events so powerful that none who entered the region at night could escape the repercussions of its torrential dynamic flow.  As spirit hunters of the wild night ourselves, we were already adept at certain necessary maneuvers of both defense and offense.  Our weapons were our hearts who both carried us into the storm and shielded us from harm in a blazing path of glory we could not fathom for the trees we fought in alliance with against the realm of the interlopers.  

     The spirit of this mountain contained the self same essence possessing all mountain ranges and planets formed along the widening rims of the expanding universe, which remains the identical substance comprising us all, the animus within being a darker view shared by any of the multifaceted viewpoints our panoramic cornucopia of life may propose to perceive.  The undermining and provocative presence of the eternal mother spirit was felt on a level which preceded all the rest, and informed it, and rendered it mere shreds of shadow pieces fallen in the wake of darkness's creation from the womb of light itself which spawned it.  

    They arrive with many names including bringers and takers of luminous splendors embroiled in a saga so complicated as to remain an unfathomable labyrinth to traverse.  This becomes the object of our quest to which we, the challengers of the unknown, are sworn.  The ceremonies of accolade which permanently bond us to our dream were completed so many decades ago they linger in memory on the power of the event alone.  For this reason among many others these dreams will never fade so long as we remain alive.  Even the brightly traced shades of our fallen sisters and brothers remain today to fight by our side against the age old enemy which stalked and persecuted us back in the day.  

      We who remain after surviving the plagues and calamities that befell us throughout the intervening years are here to fight the immortal demon with all our might and every shred of energy we have left in our weathered and aging selves.  Transformed into phantom Lich Kings by the sheer rabid intensity with which we believe in each other, our enemies cannot possibly see the invisible curved fractal blade of circumstance we provide when we strike of a sudden from the silence of night. Our years together facing adventure late at night deep in the wilderness taught us how to cultivate the belief that we're invincible.  Now that you've been claimed by death, it's been proven and revealed to me.  

    Now I can see how over the past many decades and even generations before mine, the symbolic gesture of the upraised fist gradually transformed over time into a twisted parody of what it originally was intended to be and meant to represent, I know with reassuring finality that my great grand mother's spirit resides eternally within my own heart and the beating hearts of all living creatures for as long as time itself remains flowing across the face of eternity. 

    By lowering my eyelids and descending into the darkness of sleep every night before I wake I dream about the things my own mind conjures, and sometimes after I awaken to face the daily routines of my day, I remember a portion of a dream I had the night before, but can already tell its fading from memory.  Most of the time I don't recall my dreams.  On those occasions I try to remember what I dreamed, I remind myself that it's okay, after all I'm still in the process of living my dream, and smile. I grin far and wide thinking of all of our great grand mothers of pearl with their upraised fists to the sky.


Sunday, June 8, 2014

Strive Titanic

Hyperdivinity: how is it real? The prefix hyper- means above, beyond, excessive, or existing in a space beyond three dimensions, or bridging points within an entity non-sequentially, so hyperdivinity implies the perfection of divinity being perfected, at the very least, or possibly that it continually transcends perfection breaking new ground as it goes, I don't know.  The quality or state of proceeding directly from God, I think we can all agree we must all have that in common, our God-given divinity, God in the sense of its being a word meant to represent something we can't really understand, so to speak, or to write, am I right?  So there you go, why we can't go with the gospel of "we don't know" remains a mystery to me and if you can't see that then we're left afraid blind to each other I might point out.  

Hyperdivinity means accelerating the pace towards accepting our place as the next generation of Inheritors of the Stewardship of Earth.  Homes built below the ground may fare better off during certain occasional and calamitous extreme weather events.  Hyperdivinity is necessary when confronting such titanic forces as the super storms generated from increased green house effect and the environmental challenges inherent to an era stemming from an industrial revolution and during which fossil fuel burning is still peaking in activity among several competing first world nations.   

Hyperdivinity is taking care to concentrate on the smaller details immediately surrounding us, such as the honey bees and how they along with the bats and birds and frogs and butterflies and everything else are being killed off by the neonicotinoids we unwittingly promote in our abysmal group mentality which dictates we must have a perfectly trimmed lawn free of dandelions.   That is a suicide world if I ever thought of one.  I couldn't have come up with a more twisted and lethal of an ironic trap as that even if I were attempting to win a contest for writing the cruelest and most terrifying novel. 

 What we have here right around us while we're living and breathing it is the real thing, an unleashed creation with a mind all it's own by now geared with the incessant fueling of post-war economic breakdowns and the smothered suffering of generations of disenfranchised citizens teetering on the stormy decks of a fleet of unmoored ships sailing east at a more northern latitude than usual amid isolated icebergs under a clear midnight sky with the Milky Way bisected into a luminous Rorschachian mirror dead ahead.   

Our titanic endeavor through this region of space, a-whirl about our dark nexus at the galactic core, in unison along with perhaps billions of additional stars such as ours as if being lazily mixed in a cosmic whirlpool by an invisible hand; if you're getting a sense of this being a cooking reference, that is because it most certainly is, we are in effect being prepared as in a great stew but for what ultimate purpose-?-is it even within our capacity to know of such a plan?  Otherwise let they who despise the idea of any orders above their own continue to insist the great cosmic formations upon which we all exist are generated by random accident.  Meanwhile we all ride along the eternal wave towards the unimaginable shore.  

Welcome to the StellarDepth HollowedOak, the name of our Time-ship otherwise more commonly known as planet Earth.  Far older than previously imagined or currently thought, our home planet is far more than just an unusual platform carrying us all, over eight billion and growing, on an unprecedented journey through outer space; and it's more than just another gigantic living creature curled up with a molten core for a heart singing with electromagnetic radiation, it's something which we are barely coming to terms with understanding fundamental principles of, but which nonetheless features a uniqueness barely understood by the hopeful leading edge in scientific circles.